Along with a partner writer, we were tasked with coming up with a "big social idea" for the month of May. After the dust settled from our brainstorms we landed on doing something for April fools. This was a place and space that Target has never played in before so we knew we had to be light hearted, not mean, and drive to our design sense as a company. Our ultimate goal was to create an April Fools campaign that reaches priority guests and drives Target brand love. The campaign launched with a sponsored Buzzfeed post on March 26 to build early buzz that would help us break through. From March 31- April 1st, we amplified buzz by publishing over 170 pieces of social content that engaged guests & drove to an article and #FannyBasket video on A Bullseye View.
The SnapChat Story
CD - Travis Robertson
ACD - Jon Baugh
AD/D - myself
CW - Aaron Muther
PD&D partner - Sam Silva
Video Director - Josh Thacker